Useful Health Tips

Easy DIY Home Remedies that can help your Child Injury

Easy DIY Home Remedies that can help your Child Injury
February 09
11:59 2018

From the moment that your child makes its first steps, he or she is already bound to experience some tumbles. While you can’t keep your child from getting hurt, there are lots of ways that you can do to make him or her journey a bit more comfortable.

Here are some of the best techniques for treating wounds, stocking an emergency treatment pack, and calming your kid so you can soothe and heal any boo-boo fast.

Kids Health: Immediate Steps to Follow when your Child Suffers an Injury



Act Fast: Tell your youngster to sit upright, but do not tilt his or her head back. Try to loosen any tight apparel or clothing around his or her neck. Pinch or Squeeze the lower end of him or her nose near the nostrils to apply pressure. Do this for five to ten minutes.

Continuity of Care: If the bleeding is due to trauma, you can reduce the swelling by applying a pack of ice against the nose until the bleeding slows down. If you can’t stop the bleeding, call your physician or go to the E.R. to check if there’s a broken bone.



Act Fast: Act right away by applying a wet, cold towel to the affected area until the pain eases off. Cover any blisters with gauze or dressing. Call a physician immediately when the burns are severe on the hands, face, or in the private parts.

If you see that the burn appears deep, the color of the skin will be brown or white and dry. It is safer to go automatically to the E.R or call 911 and wait until the health team arrives.

Continuity of Care: Don’t pop any rankles by yourself. If ever the skin tears, administer an anti-infection cream and provide cover to the affected area with gauze or dressing until it heals. Always look for any signs of swelling, tenderness, redness, or any indications of infection to avoid the injury from getting worse.

Cut or Scrape


Act Fast: If you see some bleeding, the first thing you need to do is apply pressure to the affected area using a clean material like cloth or cotton until the bleeding stops. Hold the pressure for about three to fifteen minutes. Clean the wound with lukewarm water and tenderly pat it dry. When an injury is dirty and messy or caused by an animal scratch, wash it with water and gently lather with cleanser.

Apply a thin layer of antibiotic (like Neosporin or Bacitracin) if the skin is wounded deeply, and cover it with cloth or bandage and to avoid infections. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after using direct pressure, you can always call 911 go directly to E.R (Emergency Room).

You can also dab an antibiotic and dress a new bandage twice a day if it’s severe or deep until the cut heals. If it would still appear to be depleting or swollen, consult a doctor immediately to prevent infection as soon as possible. After the injury heals, slather on SPF 30 until it begins to fade.

Glass or Splinter


Act Fast: Use a cleanser, water, and soap to wash and clean the affected area. Clean the affected area by rubbing it with liquor and gradually haul the splinter out through a tweezer. Clean the skin once more. If the splinter is difficult to remove, just keep the area clean for a day and wait till it comes out.

If your youngster accidentally steps on a tiny fragment of glass debris, and have difficulty removing it, slowly wrap and roll up a clean fabric around the affected area and go to the emergency room and have an X-ray taken.

Continuity of Care: If you see that the fragment is not out after a couple of days and is causing torment to your kid, have a specialist to remove it properly.

If you are still not with these simple tips and ideas, you can always visit some trusted sites like Deal Wiki to buy some things that you need like an emergency kit.

Takeaway: Each parent needs an all-around supplied unit at home. Emergency kits for your house are handy to hold and prevent an extensive variety of accidents in your house. Home treatment can help mitigate swelling and harming the skin or scalp and the pain that comes with injuries.

By following these tips, you already have the idea on what to do if your child has injuries. If you do not know what you’re doing, always ask some help to the experts.

Author Bio: Yassi Parrish is a freelance blogger and a health enthusiast by nature. She has an intense devotion to a regular exercise every day. She also loves to share her knowledge about having a healthy lifestyle. Yassi is familiar with  Deal Wiki because it is one of her trusted sites when it comes to the needs of her family.

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